What are symptoms of skin cancer on a freckle?

by Symptom Advice on April 28, 2011

my godfather has a freckle that he feels has grown it looks normal to me and its brownish in color and symetrical in shape , ovalish ,

Any change of color, shape, or size

My 23 year old daughter had a new mole that hurt.
It looked symmetrical and it was small.
It bothered her so we had it taken off. It was melanoma. We got it before it left the surface 2 years ago
If it bothers him…have it taken off.

The information below is the Melanoma Warning Sings found on Skin Cancer Net skincarephysicians.com/skinca…

"1. Asymmetry. if you could fold the lesion in two, the two halves would not match.
2. Border. Melanomas often have uneven or blurred borders.
3. Color. Melanoma typically is not one solid color; rather it contains mixed shades of tan, brown, and black. It can also show traces of red, blue or white.
4. Diameter. While melanomas are usually greater than 6 millimeters (about the size of a pencil eraser) when diagnosed, they can be smaller. if you notice a mole different from others, or which changes, itches, or bleeds even if it is smaller than 6 millimeters, you should see a dermatologist.
5. Evolving. a mole or skin lesion that looks different from the rest or is changing in size, shape or color.

Other warning signs of melanoma include:

* Change in the appearance of a mole, such as the spreading of the pigment from the border of the mole into the surrounding skin

* a mole that looks scaly, oozes, or bleeds

* Itching, tenderness, or pain in a mole or lesion

* Brown or black streak that appears underneath a nail or around the nail

* Bruise on the foot that does not heal"

Pictures of the four types of Melanoma can be found here: skincarephysicians.com/skinca…

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