What are the basic signs/symptoms of anorexia? should i tell anyone? im afarid of getting in trouble!?

by Symptom Advice on January 24, 2011

does anyone out there no the basic signs/symtoms of anorexia? If you do please tell me! I think i might be startin to be a victom! Im really scared and im olny 11 and im already droping a lot of weight! (my mom says im really skinny i think that im totally huge!!!)

1. well, looking in the mirror and seeing your self large is number one. ask someone you know will give an honest opinion and someone you can trust. they will tell you the truth.
2. not eating a lot.
3. loosing more wait than normal.

there are some people that are naturally skinny though.

if you're skinny

If you're a perfectionist (everything you do has to be perfect, your grades, sports, friends, everything) and your mother is putting pressure on you to do that, that's probably the start of it. If you look into the mirror and see nothing but fat when your family says you're getting thinner, if you start massively cutting calories (eating less than [I think, don't take my word for it] 1500 a day) and exercising more than 2 hours a day, then, sweetie, you're starting it. You'll need help, you'll need to see a doctor and you'll need to see a therapist.

Anorexia is an illness that usually occurs in teenage girls, but it can also occur in teenage boys, and adult women and men. People with anorexia are obsessed with being thin. They lose a lot of weight and are terrified of gaining weight. They believe they are fat even though they are very thin. Anorexia isn't just a problem with food or weight. It's an attempt to use food and weight to deal with emotional problems.

Signs/symptoms you requested are as follows:

Deliberate self-starvation with weight loss
Fear of gaining weight
Refusal to eat
Denial of hunger
Constant exercising
Greater amounts of hair on the body or the face
Sensitivity to cold temperatures
Absent or irregular periods
Loss of scalp hair
A self-perception of being fat when the person is really too thin

Girls with anorexia usually stop having menstrual periods. People with anorexia have dry skin and thinning hair on the head. They may have a growth of fine hair all over their body. They may feel cold all the time, and they may get sick often. People with anorexia are often in a bad mood. They have a hard time concentrating and are always thinking about food. It is not true that anorexics are never hungry. Actually, they are always hungry. Feeling hunger gives them a feeling of control over their lives and their bodies. It makes them feel like they are good at something–they are good at losing weight. People with severe anorexia may be at risk of death from starvation.

I recommend talking with your friends and family for the support you need. You can try a support group as well to be around others who feel the same way you do. If you have any of the symptoms, mentioned above, talk with your doctor and go from there. I wish you good luck and hope this helped!

Even if you're afraid of getting in trouble, your body is going through a lot of change as you grow up. If you do have anorexia, where you skip meals, or make what you do eat smaller portions until it's down to nothing, or think you're huge when really you're losing lots of weight. I don't know if you do have it, but it would take you going to the doctor to diagnose it, which means you've got to tell a grown up.

There are alot of changes going on in your body, and if you're not eating properly, that might stunt your growth, hurt your bones, lots of things.

Are you avoiding food as much as possible because you will get fat?

Do what the nice lady said above me and tell your mom about it.

ok, one of the first symptoms is you have convinced yourself both that your fat and that you're no hungry, no matter how hungry or skinny you really are. Second, you can't see the bones that everyone says are sticking out all over. when I was anorexic, i ate alot of fruit and laxitives. i don't know if everyone does that though. another symptom is if you lose your period and breasts. this happens because your breasts are 100% fat. your hair may also be getting split ends. you should definately tell someone. you can die from anorexia.

What are the signs and symptoms of anorexia?

People who have anorexia try to hide their condition, so others may not notice the signs and symptoms of the eating disorder. The warning signs and symptoms of anorexia include:

* dramatic weight loss; refusal to maintain the minimal normal body weight for one’s age and height
* basing self-worth on body weight and body image
* frequent skipping of meals, with excuses for not eating
* eating only a few foods, especially those low in fat and calories
* making meals for others, but not eating the meals themselves
* frequent weighing of oneself and focusing on tiny fluctuations in weight
* wearing baggy clothing to cover up thinness
* excessive focus on an exercise regimen
* frequent looking in the mirror for flaws
* avoidance of social gatherings where food is involved
* even when thin, complaining about being overweight
* in females, missing three consecutive menstrual periods; in males, decreased sexual desire

What you are describing sounds like the symptoms of anorexia. What are your eating habits? Do you binge eat, or pretend to eat more than you actually do. Feeling huge when you are skinny is an early sign, and a severe warning.
yes, you should definitely tell someone before it gets too bad. You can get help for this disorder. It is sometimes quite difficult to overcome, but you must persevere. You WILL NOT get into trouble, as this is an illness, and should not be taken lightly. If you cannot tell your parents, then tell another relative, but you must get help.

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