What are the causes and symptoms of Liver Cysts and Cystic Fibrosis, and what are the treatments for each?

by Symptom Advice on December 6, 2010

Does anyone know how these two inherited diseases start, show and can be cured?

CF is hereditory – there is no cure as of yet. Drugs and organ replacement can prolong life. Life expectancy is 31 years – 40 years depending on the article you read. you need 2 carrier parents and a pinch of bad luck to produce a child with the disease.

Edit – CF makes your lungs go crazy with over production of phlegm. you cannot digest food properly and require drugs to assist with the breakdown of food. Gas produced by the body can smell foul. When you get a regualr cold its ten fold as worse, imagine the worst cold you had, and mutltply it, thats what its like. To watch people you love in pain with this is heartbreaking. it requires a mass amount of time in hospital, and extreme cases, ports directly into the veins of the heart are necessary so drugs get to where they are needed quicker.

This really isnt a nice thing to have, however, it is quite manageable.

On a sad note, the parents will usually outlive the children.

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