What are the differences between positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia?

by Symptom Advice on January 5, 2011

Which set of symptoms fo you think are most easily recongnized? Is there any difference in prognosis for the patient sho demonstrates these symptoms?

Please scroll down for information. you should find all your answers there.

I hope you don't have a love one battling this illness. if you do please no they can go on to live normal productive lives. With the right medicine combinations . It has progressively change from years in the past. I was a Psych Major and did a whole paper on this topic. I found this illness to be very interesting.


Do consider that Schitzofrenics are often incredibly intelligent. how they use this & the extent to which they realise & understand their condition, determines their contol of thoughts & actions…

Positive symptoms are extra things like hallucinations and delusions and negative symptoms are when something is less such as catatonic state or poverty of content, emotional blunting, flattened effect etc both are recognised but not easily, they could all be symptoms of another disorder.

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