What are the differences between symptoms anxiety and brain tumor?

by Symptom Advice on February 3, 2011

I was diagnosed with anxiety about 2 years ago and recently i have been under lots of stress and been feeling weird symptoms. I have done blood work and everything is fine.
I am worrying i might have a brain tumor even though there is no cancer in my family. I have been reading the symptoms are so identical.

Can anyone tell me the differences?

You were diagnosed with anxiety (disorder?) but what have you done about it since then? are you seeing a therapist? are you on anxiolytics? Anxiety can do odd things to a person. with the help of a competent therapist, either LCSW or pshychologist, you can identify the sources of your anxiety, the triggers and learn the techniques to control it. Finding a therapist should be your first priority.

Odds are you are just fine, your fear of having a brain tumor is probably whats causing your anxiety/panic attacks… Many people who start thinking they have a disease cause anxiety in theirselves, and nothing is physically wrong with them… P.S. stay off the internet for med. advice, you'll think you need an amputation for an ingrown toenail if you keep looking at stuff too long, you'll make yourself crazy

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