What are the early signs and symptoms of cervical cancer?

by Symptom Advice on September 3, 2010

I lost my dear mum due to late diagnosis of the disease

i dont know but i would like to know

well make sure you are going in for exams, by doing this they can see if you have an abnormal pap.

once that is figured out, u get a colpo which snips out a little piece of your cervix and then it tested…

from that point on, they monitor your cells… My cells have severe dysplasia now..

Its like climbling a ladder & cancer is at the top.

First its abnormal cells, then slight dysplasia, moderate, & severe, then cervical cancer.

there are no signs or symptoms per se, the only way to spot cervical cancer is to get your regular annual pap smears done.

I'm sorry but I don't know what the early signs are, but if Cervial Cancer has been in the direct family (ie, your mum), you should have a Cervical Smear Test every year. that will pick up any early signs.

There usually are no outward early signs. It's called the silent killer for a reason. It runs in my family too. Regular checkups are extremely important so that pre-cancerous cells can be found and destroyed before they have a chance to turn into cancer. I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. I lost my grandmother and niece to it too.

One early sign is not being a boy.

On the whole cancer takes years to develop, and before that you have pre-cancerous changes that smear tests can detect. that is why it is so important to keep having the smear tests yearly. sometimes there are some symptoms of cervical cancer (I quote a linked website below):

There are usually no symptoms associated with CIN, dysplasia or dyskaryosis. in the early stages of cervical cancer there may also be no symptoms.

If symptoms are experienced they can include:

* Abnormal bleeding: after sexual intercourse, during or between periods
* Post menopausal bleeding, if you are not on HRT or have stopped it for six weeks
* Unusual and/or unpleasant vaginal discharge
* Discomfort or pain during sex
* lower back pain

Women who experience any or all of these symptoms or are concerned about any new symptom should make an appoitnement to see their GP as soon as possible. However, these symptoms can be associated with many other conditions that are not cancer related.

As a cancer develops it can cause additional symptoms:

* Frequency of urine
* Blood in the urine
* Rectal bleeding
* Diarrohea
* Incontinence
* lower limb lymphoedema

However the best way to make sure you pick up the early signs are to have regular smear tests and follow up on any abnormal results. Dysplasia (in all stages from mild to severe) can be easily treated as an out patient and is generally 95-98% effective at curing the problem forever on the first treatment.

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