What are the most common pregnancy symptoms ?

by Symptom Advice on April 3, 2011

I am planning to have a baby..would like to know what are the most common symptoms of pregnancy and how early can you feel them.

Morning sickness, flu like symptoms, fatigue, constipation and frequent urination… things like that. You can start morning sickness, fatigue and frequent urination within about 10 days of becoming pregnant.

missed period
sore breasts
implantation bleeding
sensitivity to odors
food aversions
frequent urination
mood swings
back aches
food cravings
lower abdominal cramps
a positive pregnancy test
there are some i hope that helps a little

Besides missing your period….sore breasts, nausea (may or may not have it), tingling feeling in the breasts, heightened sense of smell. They can begin as early as before a missed period, or shortly thereafter. it just depends on your body….everyone is different in that aspect.

Missed period.

Crampy feeling, but no period.

Nausea. Vomiting

That's the first two months. By then it will show up on a pregnancy test.

no period; sore boobs; frequent urination; lower back pain; mood swings; morning sickness.

all of these can occur within the first month of pregnancy. These are very early symptoms.

Morning sickness by 2 months. sometimes early cramping. no period. fainting, dizziness, shortness of breath. Everyone experiences pregnancy differently. Try webmd.com for more signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

missied period and morning sickness.

Skipped periods are a likely knowledge of pregnancy, however morning sickness is also quite common with beening sick, headaches, bad belly and giddiness. Also leaking milk is a sign.

Breast tenderness, Fatigue, and Nausea are the 3 main ones. For me it was Nausea.

I don't know if symptom is the correct term, but if you stop having your period and get nauseous you could well be on your way.

At the very start as soon as u have a missed period, you feel very different– its hard to describe and everyone has their own :

Possible indegestion early on– feeling sick or being sick after 5 weeks
General tiredness

Sore very sore nipples and tender breasts

missed period and "morning sickness" this don't have to be in the "morning" it is sickness all day or at around the same time everyday

missed period and eating alot


Swollen breasts-
Sore breasts caused by increasing levels of hormones. The soreness may feel more tender/swollen then how your breasts feel before your period.

If you're like most women, you'll get "morning sickness" a month after conception, could start to feel queasy a lil earlier or not at all. I love how they call it "morning sickness" I had it off-and-on all day long, only for 3 months. The GOOD NEWS is, the more you feel nausea the better; your odds of a miscarriage decreases and that's well worth it! if the N/V doesn't getcha the sensitivity to odors may…it's normal to feel sick (even trigger gag reflexes) from different aromas, like bologna, bacon, coffee, onions or etc.

Bouy, uou haven't felt tired 'til you get pregnant! Increased levels of progesterone and stress your body goes through as it changes will leave you feeling drained. You may start to feel more energy in the 2nd trimester, but you'll feel tired again in the 3rd trimester. (that's what happened to me anyways)

Frequent trips to the bathroom-
Soon after becoming pregnant, having to "go" all the time – a common symptom, because of the increased amount of blood and fluids, all processed in the kidneys and ending up in the bladder. This symptom may start as early as 6-7 weeks into your 1st trimester and continue through your pregnancy as more pressure is placed on your bladder due to your growing baby! so, stock up on the Charmin!

Implantation bleeding-
Some women have a lil bleeding about 11-12 days after conception. it may be caused by the fertilized egg burrowing into the lining of the uterus (a process that starts 6 days after fertilization) but no one knows for sure. The bleeding is light and only a couple days. (Let your OB/GYN know if you notice even a lil spotting, especially if you have pain, since this can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. You should see an OB/midwife at this point)

Food aversions/cravings-
Some women have cravings and some get what's called food aversions. You know what cravings are? Aversions are the opposite, where suddenly you find foods you once enjoyed, completely GROSS! This feeling may come and go throughout your pregnancy. have you ever heard of pica? Pica is a craving for ice, dirt, laundry soap, paint chips or other non-food items (may be an iron deficiency).

Constant high temperature (for 18 days)-
Not sure why…probably the increase of hormones, fluids, stress and other changes going on. I'd sweat when everyone else was cold.

A "late or missing" period-
If you're late make an appt to see an OB, if your not regular, then your first clues may be tender/swollen breasts, nausea and going to the bathroom more often…if your not sure take a pregnancy test.

Which leads to the last symptom…YOUR PROOF!

Most home pregnancy tests aren't sensitive enough to detect pregnancy until about 1 week after missing your period. Wait…if the test is positive, make an appointment with an OB/midwife right away, buy prenatal vitamins [you need 800mcg folic acid], start looking to buy maternity clothes and stretch mark cream/baby oil with vitamin E.

Take care and God bless!
If you still have more questions look me up I'm due the 29th!!!

Well when I got pregnant, my boob started hurting and I felt nauseated.
But all ppl are differant but keep that in mind

missing period
feel more tired than usual
you pee more etc..

It seems as though the earliest pregnancy symptoms are breast tenderness, missed period and morning sickness. DH and I are trying to conceive as well so I am reading a lot of books and searching through informative websites, thus the source of my information. good luck.

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