What are the possible causes of brain blood clot and the corresponding symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on December 30, 2010

My friend said that sometimes whenever he is very busy especially when is trying to beat his work deadline he feels that an area at his lower head portion, at the left side, at the back & just about 1 – 2 inches above the uppermost portion of his neck feels very warm to a slight hot. He is wondering what could be the reason for that.

He is working also with computers and because he has double vision lens eyeglasses (upper one for nearsighted & lower one for reading) he is always tilting up his head for a better focus in his reading.

Now for about a month, he feels as if he has a stiff neck though not as painfull. He is afraid and thinking he has sort of brain blood clot although the doctor said it could only be due to fatigue and routine sleep head position.

Please give your medical comments. What could these be —blood clotting? Are the two cases related? What medication or therapy can possibly eliminate the symptom of feeling like a stiff neck?

A clot in the brain is a stroke. Only a CT scan or MRI will show this. If a stroke is suspected.. Call 911 -BTW a bleed in the brain is also a stroke. sometimes a head ache can accompany either one. sometimes no pain. Symptoms can be Confusion, Weakness in one side of body, Slurred speech. this is a medical emergency. I am a multiple stroke survivor. one clot one bleed.. no pain either time.

Blood clots can be caused by any injury that leaves a bruise or cut, by inactivity, or obesity. it sounds like your friend has simple muscle stiffness though…a hot shower or massage by LMT should fix it.
Clots have few symptoms that can be detected without radiography or pulse doppler studies.

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