What are the reasons of a slightly fatty liver and what are the symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on September 8, 2011

is it fatal, can it be cured, is it a natural occurance or disease, drug, alcohol, or poison related?

usually caused by alcohol

I have liver complications after many years of drinking heavily….. Symptoms for me have been tenerness and slight pain on the right side where the liver is; and severe pain if the doctor pokes there………. Even after not drinking for a year or more, it remains somewhat tender, but not as bad as it was………….

no, slight fatty liver is common in persons with high cholesterol/fat intake. it is not fatal. it literally means that your liver is fat. it is common in middle age.
symptoms: none physically; can show by elevated liver enzymes (AST and ALT) in blood tests; test of choice is generally sonogram of the liver/abdomen
Cure: dietary changes, exercise and lose weight.

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