What are the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer? what are the things to consider to prevent cervical cancer?

by Symptom Advice on June 24, 2011

what are the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer? what are the things to consider to prevent cervical cancer? does a pelvic pain has some connection with this? what are the test to undergo to know if you are risky for this?

pap smears
90% protection can be achieved with vaccine

You can't tell that you have HPV which can lead to cervical cancer without a test. you get a PAP smear and, if it comes back showing abnormal cells, they do a colposcopy to look at and, possibly, take a sample/biopsy from the cervix.

The vaccine can help prevent you getting the virus in the first place if you have not yet been exposed to it. Other than that, there is nothing you can do to avoid it if you have sex with anyone who has had sex with others. there are 120 types of HPV and most people have it. only a few cause cancer and only if allowed to stay in the body for a long time and only if a woman can't clear her body of the virus. If you are sexually active, you need to get regular PAP smears so that it can be caught and treated early if necessary. there are very few cases of advanced cervical cancer in women who get regular care.

Not sure why you are so concerned about this, but you should probably be more concerned with regular STIs. Use condoms. They don't protect against HPV but the protect against many things.

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