What are the signs and symptoms of depression, and being Bi polar?

by Symptom Advice on February 19, 2011

I know there is something mentally wrong with em but I'm not sure which it could be i know depression runs in my family but ive questioned if being bi polar does too my uncle killed himself because of it and my moms on medication for her depression. but i am wondering what the symptoms of both are so maybe I can get my problem more on the butt.

the question was kind all over the place but i understood it. here a couple of resources you could look at

Generally speaking, depression it's insanely over diagnosed these days. some are legitimately sad sometimes, and there's nothing wrong with that. as far as symptoms for depression goes, people can be very consistently unhappy, always very tired/restless, do not eat enough or eat too much, and can be quite antisocial just to name a few. People who are bipolar (my faves) are very pleasant to be around for a bit and then their mood will change very quickly into something not as pleasant. A lot of people diagnose themselves though.

My best advice to you is to try to live your life naturally.
If you start to think about suicide, just don't do it.
When people take antidepressants, it can also compromise any moments of extreme happiness you could have.
Some people are just not very happy most of the time, but another word for this is a pessimist, and that's not depression.

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