What are the signs and symptoms of STDs and HIV and when do they start?

by Symptom Advice on February 2, 2011

Some have no symptoms, some itch,burn,cause nasty fluids leaking, and some (if left untreated caused brain damage years ago).

I would go to a free clinic or your Dr if you have one and get tested.

Many can cause long term problems and that is not good.

Hope you get your answers.

Some remain dormant for years. you can get free tests usually at you county health department.

they start in like 6 to 9 months the most commmon symtopms are burning urinal dispose in other words when u pee

lol 6 to 9…69

when you start to burn or itch

STD symptoms can start quickly or lie dormant for years, it depends on the std. you can have some STD's (like Herpes) and never have symptoms – yet still pass it on to others.

Do some research at the places below and there is a sex ed professional at the safer sex room at club462.com who can give you proper answers to any questions.

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