What are the signs and symptoms of woughing cough?

by Symptom Advice on February 25, 2011

How does a person know if they have woughing cough?

its whooping cough and you'll sound like you are barking, it is persistent and hurts your throat. check webmd.com or call your dr.

reddish spots appearing on body that when a glass is pressed against them they donot disapear, if you even suspect whooping cough get to your g.p or hospital straight away

It can start off like an ordinary cold (catarrhal phase) for 7 to 14 days, but tends to worsen with periods of uncontrolled coughing. these are associated with a "whooping" noise during breathing in between bursts of coughing and often carry on until the child actually vomits. these episodes frequently cause the child to go blue and can be very worrying for the onlooker. between the periods or spasms of coughing the child seems fine. Often exercise or laughing brings on a spasm of coughing.

Attacks of whooping cough may last for six weeks or more and the reason that people worry is that there is a mortality rate, but this is low and happens mainly in children under 6 months. sometimes whooping cough may be complicated by brain damage or fits or pneumonia. When adults get whooping cough the diagnosis may not be quite so clear cut and it may just seem like a prolonged, irritating, cough.

If you think your child might have whooping cough you should consult your doctor

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