What are the symptoms a dog gets when bitten by mites?

by Symptom Advice on July 18, 2011

All of a sudden my dog started scratching nonstop. I knew it wasn't a flea problem because I put her Advantage every month. I took her a bath and she had a red rash on her front chest and front legs. I took her to the vet and he says it is an allergy. He gave her two injections and said that the scratching would stop immediately. He also gave her some antibiotics and steroids. She did get better but I worry it could be something else, possibly mites?

The only way to know for sure is for the vet to do a scratch test. Go back and have them to do one so you can find out what she is allergic to. maybe the shampoo you are using to bathe her in?

My girlfriends dog gets the same thing its only alligerys. Remember they will come and go with the seasons dont over bathe the dog about once a month or every 2 weeks is good enought try useing anti-bacterial hand soap thats what we use and have never had a problem. best of luck

look for black stuff in your dogs ears. my dog had mites and thats how you could tell they were there.

hi,it sounds like your dog has dermititis, which makes dogs scratch like buggery, i personally would take him back to the vets and get another opinion, preferrably a different vet! also swimming your dog at the beach will help heaps, if not the beach a warm salty bath.

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