What are the symptoms for rabies? What are the most likely candidates to carry the disease?

by Symptom Advice on December 22, 2010

Mostly animals get rabies. if your dog comes home from playing outside and he's foaming at the mouth, he has rabies.

Foaming at the mouth and aggression are good signs of rabies. Raccoons, dogs, rats, squirrels, and lots of other animals. Once the animal or person starts showing signs of rabies, it is too late to be cured. if you get bit by an animal that potentially could have rabies, you should go get a rabies shot ASAP.

The carriers of rabies are bats and dogs, and humans are dead end hosts. if you feel you have been in contact with the virus, you must clean and wash the area, run to get the shot and antibodies against it. the symptoms seen on a dog is if they all of a sudden change behavior, and start becoming agressive or violent. Please go right away, there is only one known case that survived..at least in the U.S.A

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