What are the symptoms if you have a problem at your liver?

by Symptom Advice on December 19, 2010

What kind of sickness you will have or what are you going to feel or look like if you have a liver problem?

If you have a problem, is there an immediate cure? I dont want to have a liver sickness but how can I prevent and what to avoid?

Pain in the upper right area (below the rib cage), itching is common, yellow tinge to skin and whites of eyes, white/clay coloured faeces and dark urine are common symptoms. you would also feel ill, no energy and "not right";
It really depends on the cause of the problem as to how quickly it can be fixed. the liver is a complicated organ and has an excellent capacity for regenerating and repairing itself but it cant work miracles.
Prevention, a good diet, not too much fat, dont drink alcohol to excess and drink plenty of water.
Milk thistle extract is said to be good at supporting liver function;

the main symptom of a liver gone bad is lack of appetite. you will not feel hungry at all. the amount of bilirubin increasing in your liver will be indicated by the colour of your eyes. (they become yellow)..the things to avoid if you have a liver problem is not to drink any alcohol, stop eating spicy food, avoid oil….if its really serious, then you need to check with your doctor.

There are many symptoms of liver problems, including jaundice, dark urine, pale stool, itching, enlarged organs, chills, fatigue, lack of appetite, bone loss can occur, as well as getting spider vessels that you can see under your skin.

If you do have a problem, depending on what it is, there are cures. It is hard to diagnose something through the internet, but if you do think you have a serious condition, you should definitely see a doctor, who will be able to help you better. Hopefully nothing is wrong!!
Good luck.

abdominal pain, yellowish discoloration of the skin..

drink liver supplements

General Tiredness, Abdminal Pain, Nausea, Vomiting, Yellowish discoloration of skin. the presence of cure depends on the diagnosis made. you can prevent having Hep A by good food and water hygene, Hep B by vaccination, Hep C by checking blood given if any, Alcoholic Liver Disease by reducing alcohol intake, and nothing else.

You can have many different problems with the liver. What symptoms are you experiencing that makes you think it's you liver?

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