What are the symptoms of cancer of the esophagus?

by Symptom Advice on February 23, 2011

Sever heart burn can cause cancer of the esophagus but what are the symptoms that one could have before diag.?

Are you having any trouble swallowing? You know, like trying to take a really large pill, only it isn't? that may be a sign. it was for my dad. There's only a 4% survival rate, so if you think it's possible, get seen soon. and yes, my dad is fishing with his friends in heaven.

constant burning, vomitting after eating, inability to swallow, fever, weight loss, vomiting blood. lots of symptoms

Compared to cancers of breast, lung, and prostate esophageal cancer is less common. On average 12,000 to 18,000 new cases appear every year in the US. Esophageal cancer is most common in people in the age range of 50’s – 70’s.
Heavy use of alcohol, tobacco smoking increases chances of developing squamous cell cancer. People who suffer from esophageal diseases, human papilloma virus are also at increased risk of developing cancer
Symptoms of esophageal cancer include difficulty in swallowing, sticking of food before reaching the stomach. in extreme cases even liquid is hard to swallow. it may cause weight loss, regurgitation of undigested food, and blood in vomit.

I read one of the replies and though I had cancer of the larynx in its final stages, as described I had no symptoms at all. I had no difficulty in swallowing or breathing. in April 2000, I was doing a presentation when I just could not talk – not a word would come out. after about ten minutes had lapsed all was normal. I then found my voice getting hoarser and it was then I went and visited an ENT friend of mine, who discovered I had cancer after a biopsy and tests, then at the end of stage four.

My father had really bad acid reflux for years. when he started losing a lot of weight and could no longer swallow he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, he only survived 8 months.

If you have sever heartburn and lots of pain when you swallow get to a DR!!! see a head and neck or ear-nose-throat specialist, DO NOT WAIT!!! my neck went misdiagnosed for 6 months and my only option was an experimental program. I'm now 13 years out and still kicking. There are several types of head and neck cancers, some easy to treat if caught EARLY. Be sure to get a second opinion as well. Cancer is NOT a death sentence but it's also not an illness to be treated lightly!! Please if you even think it may be cancer get to a DR, ASAP!!!

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