What are the symptoms of Chronic Lyme Disease, and how long can someone go without signs before they reappear?

by Symptom Advice on November 27, 2010

I had lyme disease, a very bad case of lyme disease almost 15 years ago while I was in high school. I had been misdiagnosed for several months, until I was finally treated with IV antibiotics, two different courses over a year in duration total.

I had not had any symtoms I would have attributed to lyme in years, but recently, my joints are really sore and swollen. I am only in my early thirties, and I dont think that this is a normal symptom of aging at this point.

Can lymes lay dormant in the body that long with no symtoms and then return?

You might want to look up mongolians syndrome. people who test positive for it also test positive for lyme disease. most say its orgin is unknown, i think its due to the cot worm which was genetically engineered to make silk/cotton better for the clothing industry.

Second case senerio is its completely unrelated and you could have lupus.

Lyme disease is an infection that derives from a tick bite. Chronic lyme disease will lead to some complications with variable signs and symptoms such as swelling , bluish or reddish discoloration of the skin around the tick bite which may take for years. in a very rare condition,there might be inflammation of the joints which causes pain and swelling which occurs years after the bite.this condition needs immediate attention so you better see your doctor. for more details you can check out this link: netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/fact…

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