What are the symptoms of dog diabetes?

by Symptom Advice on July 12, 2011

I am just wondering this because i think my dog might have it? he does this really weird thing were he wins and then he shivers? i dont know he has done the winning thing before but just know he started shivering? Please help!

I think she needs to go to the vet, but I doubt it is diabetes. it sounds more like she is in pain. When dogs are in pain they shake and whine and sometimes they pant.
Diabetes in dogs is actually not very common, more commonly it is seen in cats. Depending on the breed of dog you have I would be worried about back or neck pain, pancreatitis ( caused by eating rich or fatty foods) or any other GI pain.
She needs to be seen as soon as you can get her in.

Good luck

Your vet is the only one that can answer this!! these lists are not developed for questions that need to be addressed by a qualified vet! Especially in view of the fact your dog may have a life threatening illness!!

get her to the vet and call the emergency vet !!!!!!!!!

all l know is one symptom that they drink a lot

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