What are the symptoms of end of life with advanced colon cancer.?

by Symptom Advice on December 4, 2010

A person has advanced cancer AND advanced alzheimers. now sleeping a lot..as in most of the day and night. Can no longer walk, chew, etc… Does all of this denote a time frame of survival?

My father-in-law stopped eating, drinking, ect about a week before he passed. he was sent home from the hospital with hospice and they told he would only live a few weeks – they were right. he slept the last week before he passed and when he was awake he was incoherent.

Is this person at home or in the hospital??? If they are still receiving fluids I would think they would still live awhile.

My husband died of colon cancer this past June. in the last weeks, he couldn't eat anything. he completely relied on a feeding tube. he also had a lot of pain (back, stomach, heartburn). he could not longer sleep in bed because of the pressure in his chest. he slept sitting up in a chair. I don't think you can really say there is a time frame. I think it just depends on the individual's body. it holds out for so long and then just goes. my husband seemed to be doing a little better and within 10 hours his kidneys failed, his blood pressure and pulse continued on a downward spiral, he was losing blood internally, his white blood cell count skyrocketed and he became unconscious.

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