What are the symptoms of Gonorrhea? How long can a man fight this disease?

by Symptom Advice on December 31, 2010

Please. I need help.

Many men with gonorrhea may have no symptoms at all, some men have some signs or symptoms that appear two to five days after infection. Symptoms can take as long as 30 days to appear. the incubation time varies from 2 to 14 days with most symptoms occurring between days 2 and 5 after being infected from an infected partner. a small number of people may be asymptomatic for up to a year.

Symptoms and signs include a burning sensation when urinating, or a white, yellow, or green discharge from the penis. sometimes men with gonorrhea get painful or swollen testicles. In men, inflammation of the epididymis, prostate and urethral structure can result from untreated gonorrhea.

In both sexes, disseminated gonococcal infection can occur, leading to multiple distant sites of infection which can include the brain, heart and joints. When joints become involved, gonococcal arthritis can develop. Gonococcal arthritis occurs after primary infection of the genitalia, anus, or throat.

If left untreated, serious and permanent damage to the reproduction system can occur. the best treatment is to start an antibiotic regimen with the help of your doctor. Many local health clinics can also help treat gonorrhea. the sooner treatment is started, the less damage will be done.

Good Luck and good Health!

Burning when you urinate is the most common symptom. I don't know why you would want to fight it.

U will feel like u need to pee so bad, but when U get to the bathroom, it will just be a little drop, and sometims blood comes out after the pee. I dont know about how long it takes to fight it, u need 2 go to the clinic though.

GC isn't called the "drip" for nothing–you drip pure pus constantly–it's a classic symptom. but you can not fight this yourself –you need antibiotics AND to be tested for additional STDs–where there is one, there often are many…..

basic symptoms:
-burning / itching sensation
-wear white briefs, if at the end of the day you see greenish or yellowish slimy stuff on your brief.

I had this before, went to the doctor, gave me a shot, and prescribed a certain atibiotic for 2 weeks.

I was well in 1 week but still continued the antibiotic for assurance.


Go to the doctor. I don't think something like that will just go away on it's own. on ER the TV show it spread to another part of the body and made the person sick.

go to the doctor. you need meds for this. you can't "fight" without them.

The longer you wait to get treated the worst the disease will get. It could cause you to be sterile and even death.

Fight this disease? Whomever has it, needs to see a doctor and get treated. Check out the website.


I dunno sorry. I just heard that in a system of a down song. It said "Gonorrhea Gononzala" or something like that

Antibiotics should do the trick.

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