What are the symptoms of HPV in a female? Could you have it for a long time, before knowing?

by Symptom Advice on April 5, 2011

The symptoms a woman experiences when infected with HPV (human papillomavirus) will depend on the type of HPV and where the infection occurs. There are more than 100 different types of HPV and a variety of conditions that they can cause. An infection may even cause no symptoms at all. In fact, although HPV infections are common, most women are not aware that they have been infected. get regular gynecological examinations to continue to receive education about STDs and to have more opportunities for doctors to discover any signs of STDs while they are still in their earlier stages and are generally easier to treat.

Depends on the outbreaks. When an individual suffers a herpes outbreak, it means that the virus had already traveled through the nerve fibers and had met the original site of the infection. the moment the virus reaches the skin, blisters and redness emerge. Subsequent outbreaks will then be experienced sporadically right after the initial manifestation of the outbreak. they could emerge every week or years apart.

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