What are the symptoms of Lyme Disease and what causes it? Can it lay dormant?

by Symptom Advice on April 29, 2011

I've just looked it up in my hypochondriacs handbook.
It happens in two stages, the first is a rash, followed weeks or months later by the second stage of symptoms in the cardio vascular system.
It could be caused by the bite of a tick.

Symptoms.: first stage: rash, red papule (possibly the site of a bite)
second stage: muscle aches and pains, fatigue, chills and fever, stiff neck with headache, backache,nausea and vomiting, sore throat, enlargement of the spleen and lymph glands, join pain, enlarged heart and heart-rhythm disturbances.

Symptoms can recur after several years.

Try these websites, they should give you all the information that you require.





In the early stages of Lyme disease, you may experience flu-like symptoms that can include a stiff neck, chills, fever, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches and joint pain.

It is caused by a deer tick, and a small rash will show up around the tick bite and expand quickly. This is called Erythma migrans.

After a few weeks of not being treated, it can cause arthritis.

Lyme disease can also affect the nervous system, causing symptoms such as stiff neck and severe headache (meningitis), temporary paralysis of facial muscles (Bell's palsy), numbness, pain or weakness in the limbs or poor coordination.

Seriously, if you suspect you have it, go get checked out immediately.

This is a pretty good and easy-to-understand overview:


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