What are the symptoms of nervous breakdown?

by Symptom Advice on August 18, 2010

Like it's all about to end, you have nowhere to go or to hide, nothing to live for, crying , screaming, confusion, hatred, anger. Lost. Lonely. Sad. Scared. Loss of Appetite, not sleeping,thoughts of suicide. Like it's all wrong and nothing is right.
Urgent Medical Treatment is Required.

Feeling like you can;t take it anymore. Feeling lost.TEars almost comign out and cant be repressed. Feeling like you cannot fix whatever your problem is, feeling like there is no solution to your problems only eerlasting pain.Panicking.

through my own experience…..very emotional..very tired…feeling very high anxiety…sweating….not coping with everyday problems…..feelings of impending doom..list goes on…… dont do what i did and keep it to urself……i suffered many yrs of panic attacks as the result of this……..this is nothing to be ashamed of …..go see your doctor…….good luck

Difficulty breathing, light headed, feel like you are dying literally, and very, very afraid.

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