What are the symptoms of ovarian cysts?

by Symptom Advice on January 24, 2011

I have never had ovarian cysts, and I don't have medical insurance to go get it checked out if there is no reason to worry. I had a UTI recently and don't know if maybe it is connected. I have a sharp pain that comes and goes in the left side of my lower abdomen. a friend told me it is ovarian cysts, so I am wondering, those of you who have had them, what symptoms did you experience?

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The symptoms for cysts are common to other things too but some include: menstrual irregularities, pelvic pain, painful bowel movements, nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, or fullness in your abdomen. Be sure to see a dr. if you have these accompanied by fever, vomiting or sudden sharp pain.

hey, i have the exact same problem…i also just recently had a UTI and now im still having little sharp pains on either side..it feels like someone is pinching me in my overies…i also dont have insurance to get it checked out…im freakin out becuz i hope its not a cyst…but its aslo kinda funny how right after a UTI clears up, a cyst pops up..so im hoping that thats not the case and that it's just some kind of weird side effect..let me know if you find out ne thing..thanx!

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