What are the symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer? how CAN it be prevented/cured?

by Symptom Advice on April 29, 2011

I lost my mom to pancreatic cancer 5 years ago.

Doctors fail to catch it in the early stages because the symptoms often mimic so many other conditions:

First, my mother's diabetes became nearly uncontrollable, but when insulin solved the problem the doctor stopped pursuing the cause, aside from telling her to "eat less sugar."

Second, she had had a back injury many years ago, but her doctor again chalked up the intense low back pain to osteoarthritis and prescribed a stronger painkiller.

When she came to him with stomach issues, and tests were inconclusive, he called her a hypochondriac.

Only when she had lost half her body weight, became jaundiced and was unable to keep food down did the doctor send her for tests. and of course by then it was too late to treat it effectively.

Two major risk factors are Type 2 diabetes and smoking, and my mom did have both.

My advice is to not smoke, eat healthy, exercise, and most importantly; KNOW YOUR BODY. your body is more than capable of telling you something is wrong, and you should listen.

Also, question your doctors: never let them make you feel stupid or inferior just because they have an MD in their name. they are not all-knowing gods, though they seem to think otherwise.

I don't know much about the symptoms .

As for prevention and cure have a healthy diet and you MUST include high antioxidant supplements and supplements with TOCOTRIENOLS.


My fiance's dad has prostrate cancer and is using a product that has it.

For more info or to find the product and research go to kyani.net/acollins

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