What Are The Symptoms Of Pancreatitis

by Symptom Advice on December 14, 2010

What Are The Symptoms of Pancreatitis?

Are you one of those individuals who like to eat, drink and make merry? Many younger people figure that life is short so we might as well eat and drink whatever we want regardless of the consequences. It is not until you get a little older and wiser that you begin to realize just how erroneous this attitude actually is. For instance, learning about the symptoms of pancreatitis is sufficient to convince any sane individual not to consume too much fat or alcohol. Anybody who suffers the symptoms of pancreatitis feels so ill that their very existence seems like a living hell. only those people who have been so sick that they actually thought that death would be preferable could possibly have any idea of how awful pancreatitis feels.

A Summary of The Condition

In order to understand the symptoms of pancreatitis it is necessary to know what the pancreas is and how it operates. The pancreas is a gland organ that is part of both the endocrine and digestive system. It secretes hormones such as insulin which help the body to metabolize sugar. It also secretes digestive enzymes which ordinarily pass through the pancreatic duct into the small intestine where they break down fats so that they can be absorbed into the bloodstream. if a person has acute or chronic pancreatitis the digestive enzymes are not secreted into the small intestine but instead attack the pancreas, which damages its structure and prohibits it from being able to function efficiently.

If you ever experience the symptoms of pancreatitis you will definitely know about it. Early indicators of the condition include an intense feeling of nausea, frequent vomiting, and severe abdominal pain and swelling. these symptoms of pancreatitis may be accompanied by fever, a rapid pulse, low blood pressure and dehydration resulting from the vomiting. if medical treatment is not sought immediately the symptoms of pancreatitis can be fatal. Severe dehydration and excessively low blood pressure can both lead to death. Untreated pancreatitis can also cause the kidneys, heart and lungs to fail.

If a person has chronic pancreatitis then permanent damage is done to the pancreas. if the pancreas can no longer produce digestive enzymes the body will no longer be able to absorb fat. if your body can’t absorb or store fat you will lose a massive amount of weight. Since the fat cannot be absorbed it is expelled in the feces. this makes the stools larger than average and particularly foul smelling. Some people may even notice droplets of oil and undigested matter in their feces.

If your pancreas cannot operate as it should it will not produce the insulin the body needs to metabolize sugar. Therefore diabetes is another of the more serious symptoms of chronic pancreatitis. Undiagnosed and untreated diabetes is also potentially fatal. People with diabetes need to control the disease with insulin therapy in order to survive.

You may experience some of the symptoms of pancreatitis but not actually have the condition. That’s because other health conditions and diseases present indicators that are similar to the symptoms of pancreatitis. Metabolic syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease and numerous chronic digestive conditions can all cause symptoms similar to those of pancreatitis. if you ever experience any of the symptoms of pancreatitis do not assume that you must have it and start panicking. instead seek immediate medical treatment and evaluation to find out exactly what is causing the symptoms.

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