What are the symptoms of rabies on a cat moments after he has been attacked by another animal?

by Symptom Advice on April 21, 2011

my cat was let outside for a few hours. when suddenly we heard a cat cry and we ran outside to help him. We found him in the bushes hissing at something, we couldn't see what, but he let us pick him up and take him back inside. when he came in, he continued to act strange. (breathing hard, but laying down, he is eating but did not want to drink water, could he have rabies? or is it too soon to tell?

Too soon to tell.

The incubation period (the time it takes for symptoms to show) can be a few days to several years. it normally takes a few months though. I suggest calling your vet anyways in case she has been injured. her behavior may be strange because she was so scared.

acting odd–cant see well-foam at the mouth-not happy——-ask a vet on the phone—-a.s.a.p

The symptoms of rabies take a long time, sometimes years, to start showing. And unless he was bitten by a rabid animal, then he didn't contract rabies. you should take him to the vet and have him vaccinated against rabies. then you won't have to worry about it. Rabies is a very serious and usually fatal, but preventable, illness. Rabies is less of a threat then it used to be, but it still does occur.

Its not rabies, that takes months. he probably had a fight with another cat, but could have been attacked by a dog or coyote or been bitten by a snake or spider or bug. he could have been hit by a car, too, or have an illness. If he is still breathing hard or his gums are pale, he needs to go to the emergency clinic NOW. If he is breathing ok and his gums aren' pale, take him to your regular vet tomorrow and have him checked out.

Pets with Rabies can take weeks to months to show signs. your cat probably got spooked, or chased by something which got him very scared! In the future, for public safety and for your cats safety, try to keep him inside or at least make sure he is always up to date on vaccines, especially Rabies! Animal Control will never hesitate to seize a pet not up to date on Rabies vaccines if they ever receive a bite wound of unknown origin, or bite another animal or person.

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