What are the symptoms of streap throat?

by Symptom Advice on March 4, 2011

I woke up yesterday with a really bad soar throat. I took some allergy/cold medicine but it seemed not to work. I also noticed my tonsil's are alittle swollen and tender. So could it be streap throat? and what are the symptoms?

yeah…. i used to get that alot…..
my throat got really sore and red it also had white spots on it…. you can go see your doctor like i did and they checked for me and you can either get a shot in the butt for it or pills to take for a week or so….
i am serious, no lie
Hope you feel better!

I've had a Streap Throat twice, and I gargled a lot of salt water, and it went away in 2-3 days both times.

Strep has white blisters. You should gargle some warm salt water. if it doesn't help quickly see a Dr.

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