What are the symptoms of your stomach lining being to the point of destruction?

by Symptom Advice on January 14, 2011

I am a drinker and wanna stop, but want to know if its too late. I am mainly scared of my stomach lining.

It's never too late to stop however, you may have already caused permanent damage but you can't kick yourself for the things you've done in your past. if we all started kicking ourselves there would be a whole lot of kicking going on. See a doctor that specializes in alcoholism and get the facts as to where things are at and what you can do that is best for you, where you're at now. Remember too, we're all gonna die of something, someday. It doesn't much matter from what or when. Enjoy everyday because none of us are promised any tomorrows. Good luck.

There are a number of symptoms to look for. Do you have reflux or gerd?in other words, do you find when you lie down that food comes up your esophagus? Do you find that when you eat acidic foods like tomatoes that your stomach hurts or you burp a lot or drink too much caffeine?

You mentioned alcohol, alcohol is absorbed in the liver but really does a number on your stomach too. you may want to schedule an endoscopy which will see if there is any damage to your stomach or esophagus. Here's my suggestion… try taking Prilosec otc, or zantac first. these will reduce and eventually repair any damage to your stomach. Good luck!

Your stomach lining is particularly good at self-repair – think of all that hydrochloric acid sloshing around in it all the time.
You'll know you have a problem when you are in intense pain and spitting up blood.
What is of concern is the damage you are doing to your liver and your brain cells.
That is much more of a silent killer, as you develop problems similar to senility. my grandfather totally "lost it" and died in the 1940's in what was then called a Lunatic Asylum because of his love of whisky. Three years ago, we watched a friend of ours go the same way – at 50 he was a little old man, hunched in a corner of the room, muttering and dribbling.
As your liver is destroyed, you will go an interesting shade of yellow.
Of course, drinkers also have a tendency to developing oesophagal and stomach cancers.
Talk to your GP about help, which is available out there.

It will heal up some, but if you don't stop you'll never know how well you will or could heal

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