by Symptom Advice on March 29, 2011

Everything you list is a symptom but you are probably asking what they mean. Depression can occur in anyone due to pain, emotional trauma, or inherited mental disorder like bipolar. Bone weakness may be from a lack of enough calcium. If you take vitamins try getting one higher in calcium. A blood test can detect if you are low on calcium. Women's one a day makes one with extra Calcium but if you need extra Calcium a dr. may recommend you take just one labled Calcium if needed. Hallucinations can occur after ingesting or inhailling a chemical or drug. also with schitzophrenia a patient may hear voices talking to them and there is treatment for this. Stomach plus penis pain can occur after trauma or illness. Apendicitis, gas, internal bleeding, aortic aneurysm, gallbladder, heart, and other things, can cause belly pain. If you got hit in the wrong place you can have pain. Sorry I don't have just one possibility for all these symptoms and they may or may not be related. If you have chest, back, and/or arm pain suspect it could be coming from the heart or lungs and call 911. It's also possible for someone to have more than one issue.

type in "Symptom Check" into google, there you will find tons of websites that will narrow down your search to what it could be. Those websites do not take the place of a doctor, go get a real exam. Instead of asking all of us who probably have no idea what we are talking about half the time go ask a doctor ASAP. That is why I did not give you a direct answer. GOod luck with your various ailments, sorry I couldnt be of more service!

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