What are whooping cough symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on December 22, 2010

I'm 12 years old and i think i might have the whooping cough, i'm not sure. I still have'nt gotten my TDAP shot, but i was supposed to next week. Is the disease contagious? How long does it last? I've been coughing, having a sore throat, etc. I started feeling sick 4 days ago. its worse at night and in the very morning.help.

usually, a mild fever in the first week. you'll have a scratchy throat. and coughing. later, you'll start choking when you cough. these choking attacks can last up to 1 or 2 minutes. vomiting and suffocation can occur. only 50% of people with whooping cough whoop.

i'm not making this up to scare you. believe me. i have whooping cough right now. ever since the 28th of june. i went to this one website. it will really help you. much better than i can. just go to the website below and click enter. i'm not some spammer tricking you for your email.

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