What are your symptoms of Crohn's Disease???

by Symptom Advice on May 29, 2011

I have crohn's disease but I have unnormal symptoms of it. Instead of having diarhea and pains, I am nauseas and weak all the time. what are your symptoms? are they like mine?

hi jolene, I am a female crohn's pt. for 29 yrs dxed at the age of 12. For me, I had blood in the toilet, was constipated and had the big "D" as well as severe abdominal pain and low grade fevers. I also had ulcerations in my throat which made it hard to swallow. Medications took care of it. now I am on the newer treatments to stay in remission and I avoid smoking and drinking. Symptoms will vary in each person as well as reacting to medical treatments. Some folks go into remission asap, others it make take time, or they just don't respond at all.

First, are you pregnant at all? that would be the first thing the MD would ask b/c those symptoms are usually common in pregnant women. if you aren't pregnant, then yes, they could be symptoms as well as a low grade fever, the big "D" or big "C", abdominal pain, flare ups right before that time of the month, joint pain, and sometimes nausea and or vomiting.

For more accurate information, check out the crohn's and colitis website. they have a live chat & a hotline that is run by healthcare experts during the week plus an open forum where pts. can post questions to others w/IBD like themselves.

I wish you the best of health. I can truly understand where you are coming from.

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