What causes the symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?

by Symptom Advice on January 30, 2011

The cause is due to neuronal death recently this has been found to be a autoimmune disease read cidpusa.org

My mom died of ALS at age 62 and my sister died of ALS at age 45. that certainly seems to be genetic. But there is also the theory of environmental toxins causing ALS and one of those toxins is a chemical used in jewelry manufacturing. both my mom and sister worked for years in jewelry plating factories. who knows what the cause was?

I am at extremely high risk to develop ALS and am oddly at peace with that. if I die from ALS I will add another piece to the puzzle that will solve the causes of ALS question.

I have no idea why you are asking this question but do want to mention there are online support groups both for those with ALS and their caretakers.

ALS is genetic in some cases, in other cases the cause is unknown.

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