What Disease Has The Symptoms O f Leg Tapping And Memory Loss?

by Symptom Advice on December 12, 2010

What is the disease called where the symptoms are leg-tapping and memory loss?

It could be depression & anxiety. often people who are depressed have difficulty with their memory…like recalling words, forgetting what they were saying; leg tapping usually only one is often a sign of anxiety.

You don't give very much info..how old is the person? what type of memory loss..do they know where they are? who they are? what is date? Short term or long term memory? Both?
Was onset sudden or gradual?

Leg tapping..is it 1 leg? If told to stop can they stop it? Does it only happen when sitting? is it ALWAYS when sitting? Does it change legs?

If you add details I'll be back!!

This is only a hint, not a real answer. This is a brain disease. This is a problem in the central nervous system and it involves the nerves and muscles. This kind of thing is often autoimmune. Possibilities might include ALS, MS and Parkinson's.

Maybe its Parkinsons disease?
You should consult a doctor not a bunch of YA numpties!

if you cant find what you are looking for here try talkin to a doctor

i dont have a clue but i must have it too lol

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