What do you do for severe seasonal allergy symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on December 25, 2010

I'm using a prescription allergy pill but don't tolerate decongestants well. I'm also using prescription strength eye drops. I'm irritable, tired etc. is it possible that this is affecting my stomach as well?

Any suggestions? Thanks.

The only thing that really worked for me was a prescription steroidal nasal inhaler. Beconase AQ and Nasonex work well. Unfortunately, an inhaler will not help your eyes.

my doctor gave me some strong prescription pills (i forgot what they where called >_<)
and yes it can make your nauseous because mucus runs down from your throat into your stomach (gross but true). why cant you take decongestants?

I don't get them no more: I started to take seaweed and phytoplankton supplements and about 2 months into it my allergies went away…and that includes and eczema as well…..

Try ricola with echinacea me did and it helps when you have congestion. Quack!

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