What, if any, are the early signs or symptoms of possible ovarian or cervical cancer?

by Symptom Advice on February 27, 2011

I get smears all the time because its so prominent in my family, but all my freinds have been so embarassed to go! daft!

One friend i managed to pursuade her to go get one done as she was complaining of pains and alot of extra discharge, she did go and has highly abnormal cells, thankfully she just got a colosopy ( excuse spelling ) and is fine now.

So i would just say be aware of any changes within yourself, any changes should be checked, and get smears, at least one a year if you have it in your family.

Unfortunately there arent really any. Abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge can be a sign, but can happen for a number of reasons. Pain on having sex may indicate something but again can happen for numerous reasons. Abdominal swelling an discomfort is another thing, but you guessed it…there are many causes.

Well you need regular smear tests.

Some signs are lots of discharge and/or bleeding (though this can be a number of things), sharp pains during sex and period-like pains throughout the month, again, that could be due to anything, from small cysts to various cancers.

Ovarian cancer is a silent killer as the symptoms are very few -but you can be tested to see if you are likely to get it if it runs in the female side of your family.
Cervical cancer is quiet common and can be detected early by regular smear tests. you will get smelly discharge that is not clear sometimes but not always . Google Ovarian cancer or cervical cancer and you should get all the info you need.

ovarian cancer – bloating, change of bowel habit, needing to go for a wee more often, tummy pain, tiredness, loss of appetite, weight loss
first investigations = blood test and ultrasound scan.

cervical cancer = bleeding, possibly after sex. any of the above investigation = blood tests and smear test

womb cancer = any of the above
investigation = blood tests and hysteroscopy (requires anaesthetic)

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