What if your partner is negative of herpes but i have experience herpes symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on May 2, 2011

i haven't cheated or have unprotected sex in pass relationships, but now i have started to have unprotected sex with my partner who have unprotected sex several times,but resently i have seen symptoms that are related to genital herpes, d doctor said it could b herpes, my partner tested and it was negative. could it be possible that i have this virus and i have unprotected sex with him only, should i take this test too, and he is negative.

Perhaps your previous partner had it and passed it on to you and
you are not aware of it. Perhaps your current partner tested negative bc the virus has not multiplied extensively to be detected. maybe you should get checked. Remember condoms break and well now a days you can get STD's by oral sex. not to mention not everyone is honest.

yes go get the test also. cause i had the symptoms years ago and my partner never showed them. i no longer have had symptoms nor taken the meds. for years. even when got tested for it it was neg for me. so go get checked for your self. or peace of mind

go and have a test we you Dr, you can use protection, bur if you have oral sex and other person dint tell you if he have and he have a blister or breakout around he Mauser if possible do you have herpes

You could have had it for years and not known about it- it can lay dormant for a very long time, even life.

I don't fully understand your question but here goes. the only test that can determine herpes is a skin swab at the breakout site this virus uses your nervous system for travel not your blood stream. Many people have herpes of various forms and not all persons with herpes have outbreaks it can even be years after coming into contact with this form of the virus for it to emerge and is normally a sign of stress or a weakened system. It is not a good idea to engage in unprotected sex while the outbreak is occurring, and you should wait for several days after there is no inflammation of the tissues. there are medications that can help shorten the time it takes to heal, and lysine has showed study after study to be of a benefit in your diet to control the outbreaks.

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