What Is Colitis?

by Symptom Advice on January 16, 2011

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When inflammation in the inner lining of the colon or in the large intestine is caused, it is known as colitis. this type of inflammation can be acute, chronic or self limited. this is a disease that comes under the category of digestion related diseases.

Since it is now clear what is colitis, let us discuss some of the very common symptoms of colitis. there are several symptoms, the occurrence which largely depends on the kind of colitis caused, the health of the patient, and the severity of colitis. however, some of the major colitis symptoms include loss of appetite, abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhoea, fatigue, and bloating. If you are not very sure how to detect the early signs of colitis, here are a few things that can help you. there is an uncommon tenderness in the abdomen, continuous weight loss, blood in the stool, high fever, distension, etc. If any such signs are noticed, it is very important to consult a physician immediately.

Colitis can be diagnosed by having tests done in a laboratory test or by have a physical examination done. In some cases, when colitis is not easily diagnosed, other modes of testing are conducted. this would include abdominal X-rays, computer tomography, insertion of camera in the rectum, etc. this will quickly determine whether or not the patient has colitis.

There is only one definition on what is colitis, but there are several reasons why colitis is caused. Like every other disease, colitis is also caused due to infection through bacteria. If this is not treated quickly by taking antibiotics, colitis can be caused. there are several types of colitis, which are caused due to different kinds of bacteria.

If the disease is caused due to viruses like Norovirus or Rotavirus, it can result into dehydration, especially in people who are either very old or very young. In such cases, the doctor will suggest increasing intake of fluids and rest adequately. however, if the problem persists, and the patient becomes dehydrated severely, urgent hospitalization is required in order to inject fluid via intravenous.

While most medication cures light colitis, such medicines can also be a cause of such diseases. It can be caused to several other things like over dosage of interceptive pills and smoking. If, whether or not due to these two reasons, high fever and diarrhoea continues, there is an urgent need to hospitalize the patient. If this fever is accompanied by serious abdomen pain, it can be a case of bowel injury or appendicitis. In such cases, you will have to rush the patient to the emergency room without any delay.

Avoid caffeine and spicy food, and have healthy eating habits, especially if you have inflammatory bowel conditions. this way you will be able to prevent colitis and reduce the risk of intensifying the abdomen inflammation and injury.

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