What is Hepatitis B?

by Symptom Advice on November 28, 2010

Hepatitis B is a contagious disease that attacks t&#104&#101&#32liver, and is the result of infection with the Hep&#97&#116&#105tis B virus. The severity of symptoms for Hepatiti&#115&#32&#66 ranges from a mild illness that may only last sev&#101&#114&#97l weeks, to a serious, permanent condition. Hepati&#116&#105&#115 B infection can be an “acute” or “chronic” illness: Acute Hepatitis B: A short-term illness that normally&#32&#109&#97nifests within the first 6 months exposure. It is &#112&#111&#115sible for a Hepatitis B infection to progress from&#32&#97&#99ute to chronic. Chronic Hepatitis B: A permanent, &#108&#111&#110g-term condition that can occur when the Hepatitis&#32&#66&#32virus remains in an infected person’s body. What are the symptom&#115&#32&#111f Hepatitis B? Symptoms of acute hepatitis B, if t&#104&#101&#121 appear, can vary widely. these acute symptoms can&#32&#105&#110clude:   What are the statistics for Hepatitis B?&#32&#73&#110 2006, there were an estimated 46,000 new Hepatiti&#115&#32&#66 virus infections in the United States. however, t&#104&#101&#32official number of reported Hepatitis B cases is m&#117&#99&#104 lower than the actual number of infected people. &#77&#97&#110y people may not have symptoms and don’t know they are infected,&#32&#116&#104erefore never seeking the attention of medical or &#112&#117&#98lic health officials. How common is chronic Hepati&#116&#105&#115 B in the US? in the United States, an estimated 8&#48&#48&#44000 to 1.4 million persons have chronic Hepatitis &#66&#32&#118irus infection. How is Hepatitis B transmitted? Th&#101&#32&#72epatitis B infection is spread when blood, semen, &#111&#114&#32other body fluid that is infected with the hepatit&#105&#115&#32B virus enters the body of a person who is not inf&#101&#99&#116ed. People can become infected with the virus duri&#110&#103&#32activities such as:   who is at increased risk fo&#114&#32&#72epatitis B? Although anyone can get hepatitis B, s&#111&#109&#101 people are at greater risk, such as those who:  &#32&#72&#111w do I prevent Hepatitis B from happening to me? T&#104&#101&#32best way to prevent hepatitis B is by getting the &#104&#101&#112atitis B vaccine. The hepatitis B vaccine is safe &#97&#110&#100 effective and is usually given as 3-4 shots over &#97&#32&#54-month period. Most residents of the United States&#32&#97&#114e now required to be vaccinated against Hepatitis &#66&#32&#98efore attending college. If you have been vaccinat&#101&#100&#32against Hepatitis B you do not need any further He&#112&#97&#116itis B testing. Can you get tested for Hepatitis B&#63&#32&#89es – there are many different blood tests available to diagnose &#104&#101&#112atitis B. since Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg&#41&#32&#105s a protein on the surface of the Hepatitis B viru&#115&#44&#32it can be detected in the blood during acute or ch&#114&#111&#110ic Hepatitis B virus infection. getSTDtested.com o&#102&#102&#101rs a blood test for Hepatitis B, which you can tes&#116&#32&#102or at any of our over 2,000 local medical centers &#97&#99&#114oss the US. How soon do symptoms of Hepatitis B ap&#112&#101&#97r after infection? For most, Hepatitis B symptoms &#97&#112&#112ear 90 days (or 3 months) after exposure, but symp&#116&#111&#109s can appear any time between 6 weeks and 6 months&#32&#97&#102ter exposure to the Hepatitis B virus. Is there a &#118&#97&#99cine or treatment for Hepatitis B? Yes, there is a&#32&#118&#97ccine. The Hepatitis B vaccine series is a sequenc&#101&#32&#111f shots that stimulate a person’s natural immune system to prote&#99&#116&#32against HBV (Hepatitis B Virus). after the vaccine&#32&#105&#115 given, the body makes antibodies that protect a p&#101&#114&#115on against the virus. An antibody is a substance f&#111&#117&#110d in the blood that is produced in response to a v&#105&#114&#117s invading the body. these antibodies are then sto&#114&#101&#100 in the body and will fight off the infection if a&#32&#112&#101rson is exposed to the hepatitis B virus in the fu&#116&#117&#114e. who should be vaccinated for Hepatitis B? Hepat&#105&#116&#105s B vaccination is CDC recommended for: in order t&#111&#32&#114each individuals at risk for hepatitis B, vaccinat&#105&#111&#110 is also recommended for anyone in or seeking trea&#116&#109&#101nt from the following: when should someone get the&#32&#72&#101patitis B vaccine? The hepatitis B vaccine for Chi&#108&#100&#114en and Adolescents: all children should get their &#102&#105&#114st dose of hepatitis B vaccine at birth and comple&#116&#101&#32the vaccine series by 6-18 months of age. all chil&#100&#114&#101n and adolescents younger than 19 years of age who&#32&#104&#97ve not yet gotten the vaccine should also be vacci&#110&#97&#116ed. “Catch-up” vaccination is recommended for children and adolescents who wer&#101&#32&#110ever vaccinated or who did not get the entire vacc&#105&#110&#101 series.The hepatitis B vaccine for Adults: any ad&#117&#108&#116 who is at risk for hepatitis B virus infection or&#32&#119&#104o wants to be vaccinated should talk to a health p&#114&#111&#102essional about getting the vaccine series.while we&#32&#114&#101commend everyone get vaccinated for Hepatitis B af&#116&#101&#114 testing negative, at this time we can only offer &#116&#104&#101 Hepatitis B Test and not the vaccine. Get tested &#116&#111&#100ay!

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