What Is Indigestion

by Symptom Advice on April 20, 2011

What are the causes and symptoms of indigestion?

We have already discussed digestion and how the digestive process works. But today we wanted to look at what indigestion is and also suggest that one of the best remedies for indigestion is to prevent it.

Normal digestion happens without you thinking about it. After you’ve eaten a meal your body gets on with digesting your food and providing itself with all of the energy and nutrients that it needs entirely unconsciously.

But sometimes the digestive process doesn’t work quite so well, and that is the time that you become aware of it. you become aware of it because you are suffering from the symptoms of indigestion, or what can also be called dyspepsia.

It’s basically an upset stomach. Sometimes it can be mistaken for a heart attack, but any competent medical professional can quickly tell the difference.

The symptoms of indigestion can range from mild upset through to severe pain and heartburn and nausea. Symptoms can also include bloating and excess gas.

Heartburn is in fact a misnomer, it has nothing to do with your heart and everything to do with your stomach.

Anyone suffering from indigestion in particular from heartburn knows that it can be extremely irritating and painful. Sometimes the causes of indigestion are simple, as are the remedies, and sometimes more complex.

One of the more common causes of indigestion is simply eating too fast. If you’re eating lunch and you’re late for an appointment and you gobble your lunch down too fast this can cause it.

Your diet can also cause indigestion, particularly when it is high in fatty or spicy foods. Other dietary causes can include too much alcohol, and smoking, anxiety and pregnancy are also common causes.

And then after that comes a wide range of medical conditions, many of which can have side effects of causing indigestion. a peptic ulcer, cancer, gastro-oesophageal disease and many many more can also cause this problem.

If you believe you are suffering from indigestion, or if you are concerned about your health for any reason, you should always consult your doctor first to explore the possibility of a serious underlying medical condition.

Often though it’s a simple matter of changing some eating habits, or what you eat.

The symptoms of heartburn can be quite unpleasant. For a range of reasons the acids in your stomach are forced back up through the oesophagus, and whilst the stomach is well protected from burning by acid the oesophagus is not so well protected and the burning sensation is what is called heartburn. it is actually the sensation of burning from the stomach acids in the oesophagus, and is called acid reflux.

There’s a range of remedies for indigestion, however in our view the best remedy for indigestion is to promote good digestion, but that’s for another day.

Written by – Remedies for Indigestion

Tagged with: causes of indigestion • digestion • good digestion • indigestion • remedies for indigestion • symptoms of indigestion

Filed under: Causes of Indigestion

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