What is Kennel cough? What are the symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on December 24, 2010

I have a Yorkie that is 7 months old…We just got her and she has a cough that sounds like she is gagging up something but I haven't seen any phlegm…the cough only happens at night. Could it be "kennel cough"? I have heard of it but do not know what it is. She only weighs 1 pound and she is very small. any suggestions on what type of flea and tick protection to use?

Symptoms can include a harsh, dry cough, retching, or gagging, especially in response to light pressing of the trachea. The presence of a fever varies from case to case.

I;m not sure if it is Kennel Cough, but if it is, it will goaway by itself.

kennel cough is a dry cough and gagging my dog had it and it gets worst if not taken care of, i thought it would go away by it's self but it didn't so i took him to vet and got medicine and then he got better.

My yorkie does the same thing. There is a med your vet can give you if you tell them what it is doing. Tell them you think it might be kennel cough.

My aunt's dog has kennel cough real bad, but she also new how to use it to her advantage when she wanted attention. She was on medicine.

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