What is the best way to alleviate allergy symptoms (watery eyes, runny nose, clogged ears, sneezing)?

by Symptom Advice on December 23, 2010

I have been taking loratadine 10 mg and Tylenol severe sinus congestion with no relief. I am still going with the idea that it's an allergy rather than a cold because my mucus is clear and I'm sneezing a lot. I have a trip in two weeks and want this gone!!

I would try suddafed. it works great for my allergies you can get it at your local drugstore. I hope u feel better!~

Benadryl Allergy. it kicks so much butt but make sure you drink lots of water because those pills will suck all fluids from your body.

The best solution to your allergy symptoms is to take a nice long hot steam bath. Run hot water and soak up all the steam. This will really help unclog your ears and nose and alleviate allergy symptoms. afterwards chew on some cloves (the ones used in apple pie) to really kill the reast of the bacteria. TRUST ME, you'll feel better instantaneously!!
Good luck!

over the counter meds have so many bad side effects. The only way to get rid of allergies is through proper nutrition. Shaklee makes a lot of great natural products. Visit shaklee.com. Nutrifuron, vit.C, and alfalfa will help. I used to have allergies, asthma, and get bronchitis every year. This stuff really works, it sounds like an add but it is a God send. Check it out, you have nothing to lose. At least do the research.

try getting rid of the allergen.

if that doesnt work, go to your GP… they can write you a script for one of the common allergy meds.. sounds like you need a decongestant version…. so AllegraD or ZertecD would be best for you.

otherwise, there is an over the counter ClaritinD

An allergy is an abnormal reaction to ordinarily harmless substance or substances. These sensitizing substances, called allergens, may be inhaled, swallowed or come into contact with the skin. when an allergen is absorbed into the body it triggers white blood cells to produce IgE antibodies.
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