What is the difference between insanity and dementia?

by Symptom Advice on June 10, 2011

Is there any difference..? Or is it the same thing? Also, wondering what the symptoms are..do you KNOW when you've gone insane or have dementia? Because I think I just came down with a case of the "crazies" myself..;s

That is interesting because I'm starting to doubt whether there is a difference between a lot of things myself.

After reading about a disease called Multiple Sclerosis, which can also cause memory loss, (temporary) loss of motor control and a number of other symptoms that are also coherent with for instance insanity and dementia, but also with parkinson's and alzheimer's disease.

So now I'm wondering how many times an actual correct diagnosis is made and what really causes a malfonction in the body.

My wife sometimes feels like she's going crazy. she had 2 kids and hormones do have a big influence on the body. At night when she finally sits down to rest she gets the symptoms. in her case it was a vitamin B12 deficiency in the blood. so she had some vitamin supplements and steel tablets and the symptoms were gone.

So I'd say: go see a doctor and get an elaborate blood test done before you conclude that you're going insane.

not much

dementia is an older term, not well defined, except in the case of 'senile dementia"

and insanity isn't defined real well.
There is the legal definition ( can you tell right from wrong? can you assist your lawyer in defending you)

we can give good definitions to specific forms of insanity -

mostly, people use the word crazy for behavior that is nothing close to the mental illnesses that exist.

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