What is the symptoms of colon cancer and how is the test done?

by Symptom Advice on August 21, 2010

I am having some itching, and i took zentel but it is still happening, i dont past my stool everyday so i am very concern.

Blood in the stool is the classic symptom. Testing is done using a colonoscopy.

Blood in the stool is NOT always a sign of cancer-you could just have hemorrhoids that bleed. if the blood is really red, its okay. if its old blood-kind of Brownish, then it would be bad as you are bleeding further up in the colon. a test for cancer is a biopsy taken inside the colon. the procedure is so painful and degrading that you get anesthesized before they do it. if you don't REALLY think you have cancer, stay away from the test. It really sucks. Itching is not a sign of cancer.

Parts of all 3 answers so far are correct. Rectal bleeding is a classic symptom, but red blood is NOT okay many colon cancer patients have bright red blood. Colonoscopy is the best test to check for colon cancer.

All of Goldie’s symptoms are correct and you can add anemia to the list. Basically any changes in bowel habits, even if they come and go are symptoms and should be investigated regardless of age. Itching is not a symptom.

If you are 50 years old you should have a colonoscopy even if you have no symptoms at all. never ever stay away from them they save lives and are not painful. the prep is actually the worst part. now having a baby can be degrading and is so painful you don’t care.

During a colonoscopy any polyps found are COMPLETELY removed if possible and if you do have cancer hopefully it is confined to a polyp and that is the end of your treatment. Cancer found this way has a 5-year survival rate of 95-100%. However, a stage 4 colon cancer only has a 5-year survival rate of 5%. This is why colonoscopies save lives. Waiting until you have symptoms is an indication of advanced disease and dangerous.

In your case, it sounds more like you may have hemorrhoids, anal fissures or maybe just inflammation from something irritating you. Try a soak in the tub with Epsom salts or baking soda once every day or two. you may also want to use moist wipes instead of toilet paper for a little while; you can find them next to each other at the grocery store. if you are not better in a week then see your doctor.

Stomach cramps, constipation and blood in the stool are the three main symptoms of colon cancer.
If you are concerned, talk with your doctor and ask to have a colonoscopy performed.
A colonoscopy is done by you drinking a very salty, watery contrast drink to clean out your colon. 24 hours later, you are taken in a lab where the nurse gives you a drug (usually by IV) which will pretty much knock you out. the doctor then inserts a small camera into you through the rectum and checks your entire colon to see if there are any polyps.
Or if your family has a history of colon cancer and these family members are still alive, you can check to see if you have the same genetic type of cancer. Whatever you test does not ensure that you will or will not get colon cancer.

Basically, talk with your doctor and share your concerns. It's better to get tested and to detect early than to wait and have something that is incurable.

hi, Colon cancer doesnt really have sympotms that are unique to colon cancer which is why it is sometimes missed. the typical symptoms which you should be worries about is a change in bowel habit for more than 6 weeks, a feeling of fullness even after you have opened your bowels, blood in the stool, stomach cramps, anaemia, weight loss and a general feeling unwell. a colonoscopy is the usual method for detecting colon cancer and if any polyps are found, these should also be sent to the lab for testing as a polyp can grow into a cancer. Although the majority of cancers are found in people over 60, anybody that has had any of the symptoms should go to there doctor, just to rule out anything serious. go to your GP, just to rule this out and put you at ease but it doesnt sound like typical colon cancer! hope iv helped! x

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