What is the symptoms of food poisoning and symptoms of flu ?

by Symptom Advice on January 22, 2011

How many hours for food poisoning to start/ and flu symptoms to start?

Food poisoning can start as soon as 30 min. after eating… up to 12 hrs.
Flu takes about 3 days.

food poisoning: vomiting; dehydration; fever;
flu: fever; runny or cloged nose

Not sure what the incubation period for the flu is, but food poisoning can show affect just a few minutes up to 48hrs after eating affected food.

Go to Google. Type in food poisoning (space)+symptons. do the same with flu. there is a lot on the net. quicker than trying to explain it. I think you will enjoy reading about it.

food poisioning starts in hours while flu will start 48-72hrs after infection. with flu you will have a fever and general body ache weekness for days. food poisioning usally resolves sooner than that and no fever.

Food poisoning can start from a few hours after eating up to 24 hours depending on the severity of the exposure and the type of poisoning.

The sickness can last anywhere from a day to several weeks.

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