What medical symptoms causes lost of hair, immune weakness, and lost of eyesight and also tiredness?

by Symptom Advice on May 27, 2011

Losing lots of hair daily.
Sleep early and always tired, light headed, eyesight can't see far, gets blurry then lightheaded. get tired and weak very easily.

Diabetes…. Kidney trouble… taking any Blood pressure meds??? Thyroid problems. you need to see a Dr.. get some tests done, now.

Lymes disease
Hepatitus C

The symptoms that you describe apply to many diseases and conditions. Some agents that may cause some or all of these symptoms are – Diazepam, Prozac, Depakote (Valproic acid, Divalproex) used to treat significant hepatic disease, Combigan (is an eye drop that is used to control glaucoma), Some drugs used for heart problems. Anti malarial drugs. There are also some diseases that produce some or all of the symptoms that you describe, – Lyme disease, to mention just one. There are many more drugs and diseases and conditions with some or all of the symptoms that to make a list here would be useless. Medications affect people differently. The side affects or the effectiveness of a medication may not be experienced by another person. so just because someone had a good or bad experience with a medication doesn't mean that another person would also.
You would be advised to seek a consultation with a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment which could be ascertained by various tests.
Hope this helps
matador 89

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