What pain and symptoms do you get when having a miscarriage?

by Symptom Advice on March 14, 2011

does it feel more tender than pain? a bit like you been kicked in the stomach.is the bleeding if an early miscarriage like a heavy period??

I miscarried at 9 weeks and it was just one day of very heavy bleeding…mostly all at one time. I didn't have any symptoms other than that.

The pain may vary from mild discomfort to severe spasmodic pain. the bleeding also may vary from mild to profuse depending upon the type of miscarriage..misses abortion to inevitable abortion.

The bleedig is like a heavy period and has clots in it. I had terrible cramping and back pains but it was worse than when I have my period. If you think that you are miscarrying I would call my dr.

first a little bet of brownish spotting
then it gets heavy the same day
then the cramps starts and gets more painful accompanied by passing big clots and some products of conception/baby untill u miscarry
then the pain stops
and you continue to bleed a normal period for like few days
thats it!

i have no idea but got to A&E if you have the feeling of being kicked in stomach you might have a stomach ulcer

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