What should I do if my 4 year old has symptoms of cystic fibrosis?

by Symptom Advice on January 23, 2011

My 4 year old son has had breathing problems and been hospitalized twice for croup, pneumonia once and constantly has a deep cough. His father is a carrier for cystic fibrosis and im not. Should he be tested? His half brother has been diagnosed with CF.

YES!!!!! you should most definitely get your son tested! you can do a little something for the time being, to help put your mind at ease until you can get him in, I'm not sure how it would work in a 4y/o though, but, cystic fibrosis babies tend to have a salty taste to them if you kiss/lick the baby's head. does your son have an excessive amount of phlegm?

Yes. He has a high chance of acquiring it since his dad is a carrier for it.
This is a good website to read info about cystic fibrosis cff.org

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