What STDs can you catch where you will feel symptoms the next day?

by Symptom Advice on January 23, 2011

What STDs can you catch where you will feel symptoms the next day?

EXAMPLE: You are exposed to herpes, the next day could/would you feel any symptoms from it?

you would NOT show signs of herpes the very next day.. its a few days later; i think 3-7
Im not sure about any other diseases; but Id imagine crabs since its a bug that makes u itch, but i really dont know, sorry i cant be of more help

herpes could be one, check mayoclinic.com
yeast infection, gonorrea,remember you might not feel it the next next day, it might take a few to develop. but if you wake up with a fever, you might be in bad shape…

that should help.

good luck.

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